Violent crimes
The whole world is witnessing many forms of violent crimes in various forms and types, but the United Arab Emirates has been struck with an iron hand to reduce these crimes, which pose a threat to the lives of individuals and society in general, the UAE legislator has issued with all force and rigor towards crimes that pose a threat to the lives of individuals, physical harm and exposure to their legitimate and constitutional freedoms and rights , but before all this, we must know the types of violent crimes that can be exposed to any member of society , one of the most important forms of violent crimes is :
The first picture is domestic violence
– First, the definition of domestic violence in accordance with the law : the UAE legislator has defined family violence as any act, statement, abuse, harm or threat committed by one family member against another family member, exceeding his jurisdiction, guardianship, maintenance, authority or responsibility, and resulting in physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm or damage .
The government of the United Arab Emirates has also been keen to stabilize the family entity as it is the first building block of society, protect it from family violence, promote social cohesion and protect private life in accordance with the legacies, Customs and traditions in society, and to correct behaviors harmful to the family, so the legislator has issued federal law Decree No. 10 of 2019 on combating family violence. As well as Law No. 3 of 2016 on the protection of children’s rights (Wadima law )
– There are four types of domestic violence, namely: – physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, economic abuse.
Domestic violence crimes apply to both husband and wife and their children and grandchildren
1-the children of one of the spouses from another marriage.
2-the father and mother of any of the spouses.
3-relatives by descent or by consanguinity up to the fourth degree.
4-the person covered by the custody of an alternative family in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force “.
– The legislator has provided for penalties for facing crimes of domestic violence :
- Anyone who commits any of the acts that are considered family violence, namely physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse and economic abuse, shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months and a fine not exceeding 5,000 (five thousand dirhams )or by one of these two penalties, anyone who commits any of the acts of family violence.
- It is also for the court to double the penalty if the accused commits any act of domestic violence within a year of committing the previous act, and this was out of the legislator’s keenness and vision to preserve family ties .
The fact of assault and battery :
– The UAE legislator defined the crimes of assault and battery as inflicting physical harm on the accused, and the charge of assault is one of the most serious crimes, and the UAE legislator has also mistaken the penalty for assault and battery, limiting it to the following penalties :
– Imprisonment for up to three years .
– The fine .
– Precautionary measure: final deportation .
About the murders :
– Murder is considered one of the forms of violent crimes, and there are many forms of murder such as ( manslaughter or manslaughter – and premeditated murder).
1-premeditated murder(premeditated and premeditated)
– First of all, it is important to touch on what is the definition of murder : taking a life without a legitimate reason or justification and the killer deliberately did the murder
– The perpetrator must have the intention to kill, not just assault, and there are also evidence and factors that would predict the intention of premeditated murder
The rule in Islam is murder is equal to murder, but for intentional murder there are conditions that must be met, namely::
1 – be intent to kill.
2-he must be a sane adult, so he does not take revenge on the boy and the madman because they are not legally charged with judgments.
3-the killing should not be in self-defense.
4 – also, the murder must be proved by forensic and legal evidence indicating that the murder was intentional
– Therefore, due to the severity and heinousness of the crime of premeditated murder, the UAE legislator has mistaken the penalty for premeditated murder for the death penalty.
2-manslaughter :
– Intentional murder differs from manslaughter in the sense of the availability of criminal intent to take the life of another person, as manslaughter comes with the lack of proof of the perpetrator’s intention to commit the act of murder, and not intentionally, for example, murder by car, where a person kills another person accidentally while driving recklessly, and those crimes have strict penalties in Dubai, including:
- imprisonment for up to three years .
- fines
3-final withdrawal of the driver’s license .
4-the judge has discretion in applying the deportation measure in these crimes .
3-Kidnapping Crimes
– The crime of kidnapping is one of the forms of violent crimes widespread in our society , and the definition of the crime of kidnapping came as the detention of a person to another person by force without his desire, and this is a very serious crime, and given that seriousness, the UAE legislator has stressed the penalty for kidnapping according to the following :
1-imprisonment for up to 15 years .
2-final expulsion from the state .
3.kidnapping under threat, which is considered kidnapping in addition to threatening circumstances such as inflicting harm or holding a person for ransom, can result in a life sentence.
Here is the work of a Violence Crimes Lawyer in Dubai, Abu Dhabi UAEat THE BLACK ROBE FOR LEGAL CONSULTANCY AND DEBT COLLECTION , where he examines the elements of the physical crime and its elements to determine the fact that the accused committed the elements of the criminal act and determine the picture of the real crime , and therefore the defense is built in the pending case against the accused before the court